Customer Reviews

“I just wanted to let you know that [the guide] was amazing. The tour was everything I hoped for and more. Thanks again for all the hard work you did and your patience. I am forever grateful. If you would like me to write a review, please let me know.”

-Larry Schwarz, Travel and Tourism Professional with more than 150 countries visited before Mali!

“We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to have been in such capable hands for the 10 days – we have travelled extensively and done many private tours at exotic destinations, but none have matched the impeccability of this particular tour. I want to congratulate Karen for her professionalism in all her dealings with us and for Ogomono who was a standout in his own right. The memories of Mali and the fun time we had will always be treasured thanks to Ogomono”

“The guides are very knowledgeable about what is actually happening within the areas covered by their itinerary”

“Very flexible and attentive to my specific itinerary requests and budgetary needs. Karen was great and Ogo was a total gem. Her knowledge, cheer, work ethic and sensitivity (when to let the group chill out vs. when to capture a teachable moment) was outstanding. He became a real friend to many in our group and they still remain in contact via email two years later.”

“Karen has been a delight to work with and really on top of things. Had narrowed it down to Toguna Tours and two others, but I liked the presentation of what Karen had to offer and her enthusiasm. We are going during the du festival sur le Niger 2011”